Meet the Team

Everything But The Book Podcast's origins lie in sharing and reading books between Sarah and Alyssa. Their love of reading was rediscovered, much like you would dust off an old book you found in an attic.

Not being able to contain all of the ideas and thoughts about these books to themselves, this podcast idea was formed. A way to reach out to people who may have never read these books, as well as a way to reach out to those who had and have discussions on things they liked, did not like, and their own theories within the books.

  • A native of Maryland’s Eastern Shore, Sarah received her BA in History from the Univerity of Maryland and is in the process of obtaining her Masters in Public History. She lives her husband, AJ, and his mustache.

    Sarah’s favorite genres to read are Historical Fiction and Urban Fantasty.

    Her hobbies include: drawing on her iPad, running when it is not -40 degrees where she lives, going to all the hottest thrift places, and daydreaming of her next trip to Disney World.

  • Born in Arizona, Alyssa moved to Virginia with her family in 2007(ish). She received her Bachelors in Biology from the Virginia Military Institute and has her Masters in Emergency Management and Homeland Security from Arizona State University.

    Alyssa’s favorite genres to read are Romance and Dystopian Fantasy.

    Her hobbies include reading (obviously), watching movies, working out, playing DnD and other board games, while spending time with her husband, Matt, and their dog, Jorg, and two cats, Biggie and Gary.